Hey everyone, it’s Crypto BlackSheep! Exciting news in today’s short video – our recent meeting with David Feder was a success, and we’re thrilled to announce the official rollout of […]
In our latest episode, Luca Netz, CEO of Pudgy Penguins, shares his best advice for NFT projects (and crypto founders more broadly). Tune into the full episode at the links below: 📺 FULL EPISO […]
No vídeo de hoje você vai conhecer: Vários jogos novos NFT e gratuitos para gente ficar de olho pois quando sair a gente poder jogar e ganhar com eles, fiz um top 5 com os jogos da rede da polygon que […]
NFT enthusiasts explaining how “useful” an NFT is Original memes + never reposts Website: https://gigacatmemes.com Discord: https://gigacatmemes.com/discord TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ […]
EP13 糖尿病可大可小 香港十大殺手之一的糖尿病,你又識幾多?「消渴症」又等同糖尿病嗎?今集中醫師會為觀眾講解中醫治療糖尿病的原理和方法,同時分享一則從醫的小故事。寧姐今次則會以幾種常見的中藥藥材為大家炮製一道口感細膩﹑賣相精美的「紅蝦椰菜花飯」!食完正餐,當然要還有甜品「番薯巴斯克芝士蛋糕,既可品嚐美食又可防治疾病,何樂而不為?糖尿病患者飲食上多有顧慮,血糖指數尚屬正常的你,不妨試試寧姐的保健 […]