How can you spot when an NFT’s price is being artificially inflated? Anndy Lian joins us to talk more about the history of and the problems with wash trading in today’s NFT market. Wash trading […]
かそつーくんTwitter Tweets by kasotu2525 —————————— 無料で応募できるエアドロップ情報! ローリスクなので応募だけでもしましょう! ———————— […]
🎁 Link đăng kí kèm hướng dẫn : 🍉 Kênh telegram airdrop channel kênh (Thông tin cập nhật bổ sung về dự án airdrop sẽ có đầy đủ ở đây): […]
🌟NFT攻略本 受取はこちらから ▼僕のおすすめ取引所の開設はこちら ≪Bybit≫ ≪Binance≫ ≪OKX≫ https://w […]
In a distant future the universe has become navigable through inter-galactic highways and warped dimensions. Inter-planetary trade was the norm and because of greed and trade imbalances inter-galactic […]
Novo jogo nft grátis, Dekaron G é um mmorpg grátis com diversas classes e centenas de combinações pra fazer, bora conferir essa novidade., vamos também conversar um pouco sobre NFT, bater papo e etc, […]
推特: 电报群: 微信:Xiaodiaoshou123或者victalk_eth (可能频繁了,两个 都试试看) Telegram :victalk2021 ——————— […]
❤️ Hello everyone on my channel, the best reward is your reaction to the video❤️ TODAY I’M GOING TO SHOW A CHEETAHS PROJECT WITH A POTENTIAL OF 100X ✅ My refer […]
Me gané un airdrop y quizás tú también BLUR un nuevo marketplace está regalando un airdrop. Si compraste ó vendiste NFTs en los últimos 6 meses podés ser seleccionado. Mirá el video en mi canal de You […]
En este video te traemos un resumen de las 3 noticias relevantes de la semana: 1ero. La conferencia latinoamericana de BITCÓIN!! Se va a hacer este 10 de noviembre en Buenos Aires Como les dije el lin […]