#freetoplaygame #mones Les presento la nuevo actualizacion de Mones, donde nos regala cofres nfts, Mones es un juego nft que viene pagando hace varios meses, ademas te deja iniciar de manera gratuita […]
Today in the news! – Sims Legend Will Wright Goes Full NFT – The UK wants to know what you think about Xbox and Activision Blizzard Notes and Links: Sims Legend Will Wright Goes Full NFT & […]
馮德倫熱衷於新科技 計劃籌備NFT電影項目 馮德倫呢日出席展覽活動,對現場展出嘅全球限量9塊、24K鍍金滑板愛不釋手,佢稱好想投到呢塊金滑板,講到早前美國之行,佢喜遇兒時偶像史泰龍,當年睇《Rambo》已留意史泰龍嘅腹肌同背肌。 馮德倫與鄭秀文(Sammi)有份演出嘅電影《世間有她》嚟緊喺香港上映,早前喺內地上映,口碑不俗,兩人相隔十幾年再度合作依然火花十足,馮德倫指今次係講疫情下,兩公婆之間嘅磨 […]
Just retweet my tweet about the giveaway for your chance to win! #GameStopNFT #GameStop #NFT #GME
ക്രിക്കറ്റ് താരങ്ങളായ മഹേന്ദ്ര സിംഗ് ധോണിയും വിരാട് കോഹ്ലിയും NFT യിലേക്ക് കൈമാറ്റം ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയാത്ത ബ്ലോക്ക് ചെയിൻ അധിഷ്ഠിത ഡിജിറ്റൽ ടോക്കൺ ആണ് Non-fungible tokens അഥവാ NFT പ്ലേയിംഗ് കാർഡുകൾ ലോഞ്ച് […]
Benoit est un OG de la scène cryptoart. Son interview retrace l’évolution du cryptoart, son implication et comment il souhaite démocratiser l’accès du grand public au cryptoart. Dans son actualité, Be […]
Hoje vamos falar de CryptoKnights, o mais novo jogo NFT gratuito que mistura o tradicional card game com mecânicas de jogos de luta! O game lançou recentemente o beta test e está liberado para testarm […]
Businesses around the metaverse, crypto and blockchain. Live every thusday 18:00 hrs Almost 6 o’clock on time every Tuesday There are many ways to invest. It is very similar to the real world, s […]
In this week’s Crypto Weekly Recap episode, host Josh Gordon covers the latest news in the crypto world. Josh covers web3 news about an NFT of a house sold on the blockchain, Reddit’s crypto wallet ge […]
A NFT Metaverso é uma agência de criação de NFTs, pioneira no Brasil no uso de inteligência artificial para desenvolvimento de coleções personalizadas. A NFT Metaverso possui uma equipe multidisciplin […]