#73 – Ryan Carson: Running an NFT Venture Fund

#73 – Ryan Carson: Running an NFT Venture Fund

My guest on today’s podcast is Ryan Carson, former COO of PROOF Collective and someone who has been deeply involved in the WEB3 space from the early days before creating his own NFT Venture Fund, 121G.

I first learned about Ryan when I won the raffle to mint a Moonbird. He was active in the Moonbirds’ Discord and Twitter and came into the ladybirds’ channel and spoke to us. He was very attentive, kind and well-spoken. Later when he left PROOF to start his own venture I noticed that he was under a lot of scrutiny from the NFT community.

People seem to analyse Ryan’s every move and put, in my opinion, disproportionate weight on whatever he does and says. So I wanted to talk to him myself and get to know him better and ask some of the common questions that the community had for him.

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00:00 Intro
01:13 At what point did you decide to leave PROOF?
06:10 Speculations
12:31 Oddities drop
16:32 What is long-term value?
20:18 Regulations on financial gain
23:45 Your transition from PROOF to 121G
25:35 Buying NFTs and fractionalizing
27:40 Are you aware of how much impact you have on the market?
31:40 Lack of representation & privilege
41:40 How do you select projects to invest in?
47:40 What upcoming features in the NFT space excite you the most?
48:45 How do you see NFTs playing a role in education?

Connect with Ryan 👇
– LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryancarson/
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryancarson?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
– Website: https://ryancarson.com/

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