Raffaello Sanzio (Portrait of Woman with Unicorn) | NFT art – Crypto art | Temporary Portrait № 50

Raffaello Sanzio (Portrait of Woman with Unicorn) | NFT art – Crypto art | Temporary Portrait № 50

The Temporary Portraits are a metaphor for the transitory, ephemeral nature of the web.
While classic portraits once aimed to create an effigy of the person portrayed to leave to posterity, today, with new technological advances, portraits have been transformed into a commonplace, often banal practice (selfies are a prime example).
Moreover, even the most noble of images, like a face portrayed by Raphael, loses its aura once it’s absorbed by the web.
If we dig deep into that digital picture, we discover that it’s made of many pixels that are all equal and entirely interchangeable—the same pixels that conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner talked about in a 2012 interview: “In the digital world we live in, there is no pixel who thinks they’re better than any other pixel.”

Temporary Portraits (project)
The Temporary Portraits series is composed of three sets of 50 NFT clips each.
The 1st set is a tribute to fifteenth and sixteenth-century portraiture (Italian and Flemish in particular). The 2nd and 3rd sets, on the other hand, celebrate the art of portraits from the seventeenth to twentieth century.

Website: https://www.dadablob.com/temporary-portraits-nft-clips-series-01/
Buy: https://opensea.io/collection/temporary-portraits
