[NFT元宇宙] 療癒系NFT YogaPetz🧘🏻關注身心靈健康🌈白名單Giveaway🎊 (中文字幕)

[NFT元宇宙] 療癒系NFT YogaPetz🧘🏻關注身心靈健康🌈白名單Giveaway🎊 (中文字幕)

獎勵 🏆 YogaPetz Petzlist x 2 🏆
1) 訂閱NFT元宇宙頻道+打開小鈴鐺+點讚
2) 追蹤@messagekelvin & 去Giveaway帖文完成指示: https://twitter.com/messagekelvin/status/1564916597944623106
3) 加入#YogaPetz Discord: https://discord.gg/yogapetz
4) 在影片下方留言 “NFT元宇宙 x YogaPetz”
本次抽獎活動截止時間為 5/9/2022 12am
抽獎結果會在@messagekelvin Twitter Giveaway帖文內公佈!🤗
00:00 Intro
00:29 YogaPetz
01:26 團隊 Team
02:59 顧問 Advisors
03:54 理念 Idea
06:02 Wellness-to-earn
06:58 路線圖 Roadmap
09:02 Mint詳情
🔗 YogaPetz
Website: https://yogapetz.com/
Discord: https://discord.gg/yogapetz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yogapetz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogapetz/
We’re Gonna Make It: https://wgmi.io/
Dune Analytics: https://dune.xyz/rchen8/opensea
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/
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▶ [NFT元宇宙] 近期熱門Free Mint NFT項目Memeland The Potatoz/Stickmen Toys/實用性NFT Ledger/Premint/Superful (中文字幕)

💼商業合作/ Collaboration: Discord ID Metamessagekelvin 0091
大家可以在下面的Alpha Group找到我, 我會定期發佈有關NFT的資訊!
1) The Pack – https://discord.gg/4nHbgrvEtM
2) WL Channel NFT – https://discord.gg/tCRRs5UBus
📌Twitter: https://twitter.com/messagekelvin
⚠️ 重要聲明:內容只供參考,並非投資建議。投資有風險,請謹慎投資。
