National Diabetes Week|全国糖尿病周 [Mandarin | 普通话]

National Diabetes Week|全国糖尿病周 [Mandarin | 普通话]

#Diabetes #糖尿病 #Feltman #ChungWahCommunityCare #ChungWahCCRadio #珀斯长者服务 #PerthAgedCare #珀斯中华社区 #PerthChineseCommunity

National Diabetes Week
National Diabetes Week runs from 10-16 July. Various campaigns and supporting activities are around this topic during this time of the year. The theme for the year 2022 encourages us to “Rethink diabetes: Let’s reduce the burden with more compassion. Let’s reduce the blame with more understanding. Let’s reduce the barriers and help people get support.”

Diabetes is one of the fastest-growing chronic conditions in Australia. Approximately 282 people across the nation are diagnosed with the condition every day. In fact, more than 128,000 people are living with diabetes in Western Australia alone. According to the Australian Centre for Behavioural Research in Diabetes (ACBRD), more than 80% of people have been judged, blamed, shamed, or treated differently due to their diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2). Social stigma and discrimination can have a harmful impact on an individual’s life. It can impact one’s emotional and mental health, such as distress and self-confidence to manage the chronic illness. Also, social stigma can negatively affect people’s perceptions of and access to healthcare.

To raise awareness in our community, Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) invites experts from Diabetes WA to provide helpful educational content to our senior consumers. The experts explained how diabetes works utilising the Feltman tool.

So what is Feltman? Feltman is a human model that can be used to explain what happens to glucose in a body of a person who has diabetes. The modelling tool can also help health professionals easily explain diabetes management, including how to prevent complications and how to reduce the risk. The experts further elaborate on how our body digests food into glucose. In a nutshell, diabetes occurs when the body has difficulty processing the carbohydrates in food because the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the insulin produced is ineffective. As we know, diabetes is a significant public health problem, and various contributing factors exist. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes could be due to autoimmune changes, genetic or environmental factors. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, poor diet, little to non-exercise, and being overweight can increase the risk of the condition. Lastly, Diabetes WA experts further explained helpful tips on prevention, management and clinical care. To learn more about diabetes, please consult your GP or contact Diabetes WA’s hotline at 1300 001 880.


「让我们再深思对糖尿病共存者应有的看法: 让多一点点的关怀减少压力,让多一点点的理解减轻抱怨,让多一点点的支援消除隔膜」。在 7 月 10-16 日,澳洲全国各地举办关注糖尿病的不同活动。「让我们再深思(Let’s rethink diabetes)」是 2022 年「 全国糖尿病周(National Diabetes Week)」的主题。

根据「澳洲糖尿病行为研究中心(Australian Centre for Behav- ioural Research in Diabetes, ACBRD)」的调查显示,全国 80%的糖尿病共存者,无论是一型或二型,皆在每天的生活中遭受到歧视。被歧视的共存者最终选择隐瞒他们的病情,放棄争取支援的机会,对认知糖尿病的治疗和日常疗理失去兴趣。更甚,部份的共存者因为畏惧病情,精神和情绪健康受到不同程度的影响。糖尿病是在澳洲增长最快的一种代谢性疾病。全国平均每天新增 282 人患上糖尿病。在西澳,统计显示约 12 万 8 千人是糖尿病共存者。

中华社区服务(中华 CC)每年都邀请 西澳糖尿病协会(Diabetes WA)在社区中心为长者客户提供糖尿病的知识。讲师釆用一种名为 “Feltman” 的糖尿病教育工具,利用互动方式,深入浅出地解释糖尿病与事物的关系。”Feltman” 其实是一个人体模型,展示出人体内的肉管、肌肉和其他主要器官。利用有趣的图卡,讲师剖析人类每天如何从食物获得血糖,而血糖又如何转化为能量的过程。大多数食物中的碳水化合物都会在数小时内转化为葡萄糖单糖。当血液中葡萄糖的浓度升高时,胰腺便会产生胰岛素并释放到血液中。胰岛素令肌细胞从血液中吸收葡萄糖作为能量或储存起来。当胰腺产生不足夠的胰岛素时,就会出现糖尿病的现象。一型和二型糖尿病的成因分别为遗传、免疫系统变异、环境因素、不良饮食习惯、肥胖和缺乏运动相关。最后,讲师详尽地列出糖尿病引发的各种并发病和预防、诊断和治疗的细节。如果您需要更多有关糖尿病的资料,请向您的家庭医生或拔打 西澳糖尿病协会热线: 1300 001 880查询。

*** About Chung Wah Community Care ***
Chung Wah Community Care is a not-for-profit organisation under Chung Wah Association and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds, especially non-English speaking background, in Western Australia. We have been delivering community care programs for seniors, their family members and ethnic communities since 1909, and we currently provide support to more than 900 clients, to help them overcome frailty or disability.

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