October NFT Reward Competition & Party Box Build Showcase (Town Star)

October NFT Reward Competition & Party Box Build Showcase (Town Star)

I talk about the official META announcement as well as lots of other news such as new changes to Baguettes and crops, and the next NFT sale which will be the Legendary Tree Bundle containing 2 new NFTs, the Legendary Tree Field and Legendary Oak Tree Field that are coming to the game that will be available to purchase from the Gala Games Store. I will also be showing off a No NFT Party Box Build that manages to craft 2.4 Party Box per hour. If you want to be competitive this time, you will want to be crafting and selling a new high tier item called Party Box, which will be crafted at a Boxing Facility and will require 1 Gift Parcel, 1 Food Parcel, and 1 Wooden Box in order to craft.

Good luck to everyone participating in this competition!

My Gala affiliate link (make a Gala account using this link first):
Learn more about Gala Film Nodes: https://www.tkqlhce.com/click-100549587-15317094

If you haven’t made a Gala Games account yet, sign up via this link here: https://gala.fan/Srr2ah5TN
Or use my referral code: 6199f7169ea3697cdcc96a3e

Town Star Playbook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QrKzA3ntcGVeDzg4QpzojrZqc7pX6U0U4Q1wd9TeZt0/edit?usp=sharing

00:00 Introduction
00:09 What I’m going to talk about
00:29 Competition date & META
01:05 Competition reward
02:02 New changes
03:17 Legendary Tree Bundle NFT sale
04:45 My opinion on the new NFTs
07:00 Party Box build showcase
18:14 Closing Comments
20:40 Outro
