Buying The Cheapest Digital Race Horse NFT

Buying The Cheapest Digital Race Horse NFT

Buying The Cheapest Digital Race Horse NFT

So I bought my first NFT

I didnt just want any boring old NFT, I didnt want one that would become art on my bedroom wall or one were I would be learning some course by a youtuber.
No, my NFT is a race horse that I can put into competitions and possibly win money if I win the race.
I bought my first NFT and I can also lend it while I am not using it.
Zed run is the platform that I used in order to purchase my first nft and attend all of the races, thats also where the stable is.
Zed run is doing all sort of cool things with the metaverse and the future of the internet.

Meet my first NFT “Sometimes Fast”

zed run
