【祛糖茶講座】如何減緩糖尿病神經病變的惡化?How to Slow the Progression of Diabetic Neuropathy?

【祛糖茶講座】如何減緩糖尿病神經病變的惡化?How to Slow the Progression of Diabetic Neuropathy?

【祛糖茶講座】如何減緩糖尿病神經病變的惡化?How to Slow the Progression of Diabetic Neuropathy?

#糖尿病神經病變 #DiabeticNeuropathy #糖尿病治療

高血糖水平會導致糖尿病。如果沒有適當的控制,這可能會傷害整個身體。超過 50% 的糖尿病患者被認為在某個階段患有某種形式的神經病變,這使得糖尿病神經病變成為該疾病最常見的併發症之一



High blood glucose levels are a result of diabetes. Without proper control, this can harm the entire body. Over 50% of diabetics are thought to suffer some form of neuropathy at some point in their lives, making diabetic neuropathy one of the most common complications of the disease.

You must identify the leading cause of neuropathy to prevent its progression. Some types of neuropathy are treatable, and it’s possible to slow the progression, while others are not.

In this webinar, we will discuss the ways to slow the progression of diabetic neuropathy and reduce the risk of further harm.

Email us: ctteas@wahfong.com
Call us: +852 2816 2338

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