🚀NFT e Play to Earn🌚Tudo sobre C2X, XPLA, Wemix e BSC 💼[MOD]

🚀NFT e Play to Earn🌚Tudo sobre C2X, XPLA, Wemix e BSC 💼[MOD]

Jogando vários NFTS, aprendemos juntos, todos somos especiais! 🙏
📍Jogos que eu estou: mir4, gunship, rise of star, every farm, chromatic souls, lost centuria, baseball superstar, Giant Monster War e Crypto Survivor.

~~~ Capítulos:
00:00 – Introdução

~~~ Discord:
~~~ Twitch:
~~~ Trovo:

~~~ Links Úteis:
https://ftx.com/referrals#a=katchuca –
https://www.binance.com/pt-BR/activity/referral/offers/claim?ref=CPA_00QGRR6MG7 –
https://bit.ly/bitcoinmania_play2earn_free –
https://bit.ly/xdefihub_click2earn_free –
https://bit.ly/faucet_click2earn_free –
https://bit.ly/trabalho_orsicosmeticos –
https://bit.ly/trabalho_lomadee –

~~~ Ajude nosso canal e nas fraldas do Miguel:
Metamask: 0xE0035f4a03A0E85102a4ad05C0e751e55A7BAca1
PIX: evandro.moisinho@yahoo.com.br (banco Inter)
Picpay: @katchuca

~~~ Tags:
#jogosnft #nftgame #nfts #nft #token #neopin #wemix #c2s #com2us #wemade #marblex

~~~ Consultorias de NFT:
Discord: kaTcHuca#2928
