WHY NFY HAVE A VALUE? #nft #avatarbank #shorts #avatar #live

WHY NFY HAVE A VALUE? #nft #avatarbank #shorts #avatar #live

Businesses around the metaverse, crypto and blockchain.
Live every thusday 18:00 hrs

Almost 6 o’clock on time every Tuesday

There are many ways to invest. It is very similar to the real world, so you can invest in everything you can imagine and more. In practically everything: in the field, in business, in physical, virtual and intellectual assets, even starting your own business.

The legal situation has a lot to do with what you are investing in. The future of the metaverse is that there is not one if not many universes = metaverse.

So each metaverse has its own laws, rules, and regulations. The vast majority are decentralized and the owners of the land are the ones who make the important decisions for the metaverse. As who says it is self-regulated and democratic.

No metaverse is infinite. From the beginning of the project, it is established how much land will be available and how it will be distributed.

All this is closed by smart contracts using ethereum cryptocurrency technology.

In short, to invest, I suggest the Ethereum cryptocurrency because it is the basis of all the metaverses that exist at the moment and those that are being developed.

Until now there is no other similar or superior technology that will replace Ethereum. It could arrive in the future for new metaverses but today there is no competition.
And as for metaverses for economic law matters, the cheapest prices you will find is at this stage of development. As the rest of the properties are sold, the costs will go up.
So, taking advantage of the low price of ethereum and the time to invest is this. Depending on the metaverse in which you want to invest, the most important today is a piece of land that costs 12,000 usd, in second place at the moment it costs 3,000 usd.

What is the basis for saying this metaverse is more important than this other, the market value of the metaverse; equivalent to GDP

We, Carlos Bermúdez and Gil López are buying land together and are looking for partners of 5 members to buy land in Metaverse.
