Dvision Network – LAND NFT Utility Overview Trailer

Dvision Network – LAND NFT Utility Overview Trailer

In the midst of preparation for the LAND Sale 4th Round, that is being held together with Binance NFT and GameFi.org, we have prepared an overview of how the LAND NFTs are utilized in our ultimate metaverse platform.

For more details on the LAND Sale 4th Round: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-network-4th-land-sale-with-binance-nft-gamefi-org-how-does-it-work-1d383a7969db

For more details on the LAND NFT utility: https://dvision.gitbook.io/dvision-network-english/what-is-dvision-network/nfts-in-dvision-metaverse
