糖尿病被称为甜蜜的癌症, 食物比药物治疗效果更好,你信吗? / 二型糖尿病药物与食物治疗, 哪个效果更好?/ 二型糖尿病治疗/ Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

糖尿病被称为甜蜜的癌症, 食物比药物治疗效果更好,你信吗? / 二型糖尿病药物与食物治疗, 哪个效果更好?/ 二型糖尿病治疗/ Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

二型糖尿病的治疗往往是生活习惯的改善大于药物作用,不知道糖友对这个观点有何看法,当我们被告知是糖尿病前期的时候,医生会告诉你要改变生活方式,来预防发展成糖尿病,当下我们也会担心,也开始重视,一个月,半年,一年,甚至到5年,检查结果还是糖尿病前期,再加上没有任何明显的症状,一些糖友就开始放松了,侥幸心理就来了,总觉得自己不是那个倒霉鬼,当时我自己也是这样想的,再加上好多糖友,为工作、家庭等原因很难坚持良好的生活习惯,时间长了就不再坚持了, 当确诊来临的那一天,单靠生活习惯的改变已经来不及了,必须结合药物或胰岛素才能把血糖给降下来,这时候有些糖友就开始慌张了,上网到处找资料,寻找方法逆转糖尿病…
The treatment of type 2 diabetes is often the improvement of lifestyle habits better than the medication, what do you think? when we are told that it is pre-diabetes, the doctors will tell us to change our lifestyle to prevent the development of diabetes, at that moment we will also worry, also began to pay attention, a month, six months, a year, even to 5 years, the test results are still pre-diabetes, In addition to the absence of any obvious symptoms, some people with diabetes began to relax, plus many people with diabetes, for work, family, and other reasons it is difficult to adhere to good habits, over time, no longer pay attention. When the day of diagnosis comes, it is too late to rely on lifestyle changes alone, and we must combine medications or insulin to bring down our blood sugar. and then people start to panic and go online to find information and ways to reverse diabetes…


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