【祛糖茶講座】糖尿病前期:如何降低患 2 型糖尿病的風險?Prediabetes: How To Reduce Risks of Developing Type 2 Diabetes?

【祛糖茶講座】糖尿病前期:如何降低患 2 型糖尿病的風險?Prediabetes: How To Reduce Risks of Developing Type 2 Diabetes?

【祛糖茶講座】糖尿病前期:如何降低患 2 型糖尿病的風險?Prediabetes: How To Reduce Risks of Developing Type 2 Diabetes?

#糖尿病前期 #2型糖尿病 #祛糖茶


幸運的是,2 型糖尿病可以延緩甚至預防。將糖尿病前期推遲幾年可以改善健康狀況,當如果高血糖水平不受控制,發生嚴重併發症的風險就會增加

在本次線上講座中,我們將分享防止糖尿病前期發展為 2 型糖尿病的技巧

Diabetes can lead to significant health issues like heart disease, stroke, and problems with the eyes and feet. Health issues start off from prediabetes.

Fortunately, type 2 diabetes can be postponed or even prevented. Delaying Pre-diabetes conversion to diabetes for even a few years will improve health because there is an increased risk of developing serious diabetic complications, if the high blood sugar levels are uncontrolled.

In this webinar, we’ll share tips to keep prediabetes from progressing to type 2 diabetes.

Email us: ctteas@wahfong.com
Call us: +852 2816 2338

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