Trump’s NFT Con Screws Over His Supporters Worse Than You Think

Trump’s NFT Con Screws Over His Supporters Worse Than You Think

For the MAGA fanatics who scooped up Donald Trump’s NFT trading cards, the card itself wasn’t the only prize – they were also entered into a raffle for the chance to win a dinner with Trump himself. But there’s a catch that proves Trump is still planning on screwing over his supporters even further, and Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what that catch-22 is.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump’s NFT collection sold out in under 24 hours last week after it was announced. And in addition to getting a basically worthless digital NFT trading card, you also did get something in return that could be of value, right? For some of these MAGA freaks who scooped up all the NFTs you got entered automatically into a drawing for thousands of possible prizes. And it’s funny cuz some of the prizes are actually just more NFTs, but there’s a couple that I know the MAGA fans out there would absolutely love dinner with Donald Trump. A trip to Mar-a-Lago to just meet Donald Trump for 20 minutes, all kinds of great, come on down and talk to Trump in person prizes. That alone for many of these people, was worth the $99 they spent on these NFTs. Unfortunately, for most of them, they didn’t actually read the fine print on what those prizes mean. Because even if you win a dinner with Donald Trump, even if you win a face-to-face meeting with him for around 20 minutes, that’s all you get.

You don’t get airfare, you don’t get gas money, you don’t get your meals paid for, and you don’t get lodging out of it either. So basically you have to pay out of pocket thousands of dollars, depending on whether or not you drive or fly to go down to Mar-a-Lago. They’re not gonna put you up in Mar-a-Lago. So you’ve gotta buy your own hotel room offsite. You have to pay for your food, which I don’t even know if that includes the dinner with Trump. I mean, based on what we know about Trump, that wouldn’t surprise me. Could you imagine winning a dinner with Donald Trump? And then the bill comes and he is like, all right, let’s, let’s split this up here. I I didn’t need any of the appetizers. Sue, you’re gonna have to cover that. Like these poor people sitting there with a self-professed billionaire and he is gonna nickel and dime them over the tab when it finally comes.

That would be hilarious. And maybe it would turn these people off Donald Trump and then after the dinner, you’re gonna have to leave, go back to the hotel that you paid for and either drive back home the next day, maybe fly home, whatever it is, but you’re gonna be out hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars for this opportunity. And of course you paid a hundred dollars for the stupid NFTs to begin with. Honest to God, it would be so much easier if you just drove down to Mar-a-Lago, told the security, you’re just here to use the pool. That’s how one spy got in. They’ll let you in. You’re probably gonna run into Trump. You can say hey to him in his face, maybe get a picture with him, tell him you love him and move on. It’s gonna save you money. You didn’t have to buy the NFTs

To do that. But these people are getting screwed twice basically. So even in Trump world, if you are a winner, when all the dust settles, you’re still a giant loser, both figuratively, literally, and financially.
