NFT Paris is BasedAF

NFT Paris is BasedAF

NFT Paris took place on the 24th and 25th of February 2023 and saw a huge number of visitors hit the Grand Palais Ephemere to checkity check the state of the NFT world. Brigitte Macron, her being the wife of the president of the country of France, was also in attendance.

But all that paled into significance when you realise that BasedAF was there in full regalia. M.E.A.T. played their hit single JPEGs (J’ai trop) live at the CyberBrokers booth, interrupting Rug Radio live. Everybody was shocked and appalled. It was a vibe, we introduced our new presenter Luke Franks and everybody had a good time.


#nftparis #metaverse #ai #nfts
