15萬美金 買張JPG?|NFT係咪詐騙?|香港NFT項目Monkey Kingdom 美女總裁專訪|Talkin 2 the Moon EP1 – 王梓軒 Jonathan Wong(中、英文字幕)

15萬美金 買張JPG?|NFT係咪詐騙?|香港NFT項目Monkey Kingdom 美女總裁專訪|Talkin 2 the Moon EP1 – 王梓軒 Jonathan Wong(中、英文字幕)

歡迎嚟到《Talkin’ 2 the Moon》!有唔少人覺得NFT步入咗「寒冬」季節,但亦都好多人喺呢段時間加碼投資、默默耕耘。今集請到Monkey Kingdom嘅女總裁Alice上嚟,同大家分享佢公司創辦至今短短一年半點樣極速擴充品牌,同埋面對「一日如一年」般變遷嘅NFT市場。

呢條片仲會有有獎問答環節㖭㗎!快啲睇吓點樣先可以贏得Ambush潮牌crossover hoodie啦

Welcome to “Talkin’ 2 the Moon”! While many may consider NFTs to be officially “dead” at this point, there are some who are doubling down and continuing to invest in the Web 3.0 space. Today, we have the CEO of Monkey Kingdom, Ms. Alice Wong sharing with us how her company’s managed to weather the past year and half in the NFT world, and what the future holds for their projects.

Watch til the end to see show you could win a Ambush crossover hoodie!

00:00 開場
01:12 Monkey Kingdom 女總裁 & Thunder
02:47 加入Web3,一年內升CEO
03:58 立體馬騮孫悟空,3個collection
05:13 點解會有人話NFT項目騙財?
07:11 NFT唔等於JPG!而係稀有會籍卡
07:54 第一、二代項目主打藝術收藏品
10:34 有獎問答環節
10:49 第三代cross platform!
12:03 為買家增強信心嘅Doxxed
14:22 打造你嘅元宇宙追星收藏房!
15:32 一分鐘,令你愛上Monkey Kingdom

#NFT #Crypto #MonkeyKingdom #加密貨幣
#CryptoPunk #Web3 #metaverse #元宇宙
#BlockChain #staking #tokens #Arts
#BAYC #CloneX #Doodles #WorldofWomen
#孫悟空 #王梓軒 #JonathanWong


Please let me know in the comments what you’d like me to talk about next! 請喺留言話我知你想我哋下次傾啲咩題材啦!

Monkey Kingdom website:
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Monkey Kingdom IG

Defend the Kingdom (game)

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