DrDisRespect’s NFT Game is Stupid

DrDisRespect’s NFT Game is Stupid

Everyone’s favorite Call of Duty Streamer, #DrDisRespect, is making an #nftgame, called #deadrop.

He’s been making headlines recently thanks to the fact that instead of addressing criticism with a reasonable argument, he just calls them “braindead” and “idiots”. I wanted to take a few minutes to look at the gameplay and give my first impressions, despite the fact that I didn’t feel like spending $800 on an early access pass.

In my opinion, this game is inherently flawed before you even consider the NFT aspect. Of course, NFTs aren’t going to add anything interesting or new to the game, it’s just a fad that the Doc is trying to capitalize on to make a quick buck.

This game is going to be a big disappointment. Although, I’m not sure people had high hopes for it to begin with.

Thanks for watching!

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