The Story of NFT Metamoksa

The Story of NFT Metamoksa

The first and only NFT that can change your life’s character with no limit.

Metamoksa was founded by Master Trader Agung Mahendra in 2022. Every single owner of NFT Metamoksa has access to the community which includes trading facilities & other Real Estate properties in Bali; VIP private events; and most importantly, one on one supervision from Master Agung Mahendra which includes consulting the best practice analysis and winning strategies with a minimum of 80% profitability.

Metamoksa has 6 missions:
1. Inheritable business to our future generation
2. Longetivity – a business that we can run while enjoying life to the fullest
3. Brings luck closer to us
4. Generates financial health and wealth
5. Reduces working hours but can increase income at the same time
6. A business that doesn’t take up our time for family and love
