How To Buy NFT’s And Make Online Eraning All Strategies Is Here. #makeonlinemoney #nft

How To Buy NFT’s And Make Online Eraning All Strategies Is Here. #makeonlinemoney  #nft

Welcome to the
Stag Alliance
Infusing rich storytelling and unique artwork, the Stag Alliance brings a new ambience to the CNFT world.

Thousands of Stags and Does will be summoned to the Cardano blockchain by the power of the Mad Sorceress. Become one of us and join our adventure where the hunted become the hunters
In 2519 BC, the Mad Sorceress unleashed her first work on the planet Earth. She constructed a stone circle of arches with the magic of teleportation and levitation.

Watching from the moon, she blessed a herd of stags with the Magic of All the Ages, giving them intelligence, form, and artefacts from the past and future to take Earth from the humans. As the stags built their civilisation and created order amongst their ranks, the Stag Alliance was born.

The hunted became the hunters. A new dawn was upon them
