【祛糖茶講座】預防糖尿病神經病變應避免的食物 – Foods to Avoid for the Prevention of Diabetic Neuropathy

【祛糖茶講座】預防糖尿病神經病變應避免的食物 – Foods to Avoid for the Prevention of Diabetic Neuropathy

【祛糖茶講座】預防糖尿病神經病變應避免的食物 – Foods to Avoid for the Prevention of Diabetic Neuropathy



• 飲食與糖尿病神經病變之間的聯繫
• 可加重神經病變症狀的常見食物
• 替代不健康食品的代替品
• 進行可持續飲食改變的技巧

If you or someone you know is living with diabetes, you likely know that managing the condition can be challenging. In addition to monitoring blood sugar levels, taking medications, and getting regular exercise, people with diabetes must also pay close attention to their diet. A healthy diet can help prevent complications of diabetes, including neuropathy.

In this webinar, our speaker, Mr. Andrew Lau, will discuss the link between diet and diabetic neuropathy and share practical tips on avoiding foods that can aggravate neuropathy symptoms and promote better nerve health.

During this free, one-hour session, you will learn the following:
• The link between diet and diabetic neuropathy
• Common foods that can worsen neuropathy symptoms
• Healthy alternatives to replace unhealthy foods
• Tips for making sustainable dietary changes

Email us: ctteas@wahfong.com
Call us: +852 2816 2338

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*This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
