Why NFT’s Don’t Belong in Gaming (Deadrop)

Why NFT’s Don’t Belong in Gaming (Deadrop)

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So Dr. Disrespect is trying to advertise a new NFT based game he’s working on. A first person shooter called Deadrop that will have very similar mechanics to Escape from Tarkov, but instead of extracting with regular in game items, you’d extract with NFT’s.

But this, to nobodies surprise, is a terrible idea. Let’s talk about why…

0:00 Intro
0:53 What is Deadrop?
1:59 Why this idea is bad.
3:07 Axie Infinity
4:22 Exploitation of the poor
6:15 Deadrop will be Cheater Infested
8:21 Deadrop’s Cheaters will be Bots
9:11 The Truth…
11:27 Outro
