【養和快問快答】糖尿病和膽固醇 Diabetes + Cholesterol — 鄭智俐(養和營養師)

【養和快問快答】糖尿病和膽固醇 Diabetes + Cholesterol — 鄭智俐(養和營養師)

有效 #控制血糖# 及 #膽固醇# 水平,對 #糖尿病# 患者至為重要。養和營養師 #鄭智俐# 分享相關 #健康飲食# 建議,有助正確調理身體,改善病情。
Diabetics need to always keep a close watch on their blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Ms. CHENG Chi Li, Cherie, Dietitian of HKSH, shares some dietary tips to help keep diabetes under control.

00:00 糖尿病和膽固醇 Diabetes + Cholesterol
00:09 明明沒吃甜食或喝甜飲,為甚麼血糖仍然高? I have skipped all sugary food and drinks. Why does the blood sugar level stay high?
00:40 糖尿病人只要戒碳水化合物就可以?怎麽吃才能令血糖受控?Is it good enough for diabetic patients to skip carbohydrates? How can I keep blood sugar level under control?
02:15 我平日沒有吃油炸食品和零食,為甚麽壞膽固醇仍然高?I don’t eat deep fried food and snacks. Why is the bad cholesterol level still high?
03:38 我不想吃膽固醇藥,可以靠飲食控制嗎? Instead of taking pills, can I lower my cholesterol with diet control?
04:36 日常飲食已很清淡,何解膽固醇仍降得慢? My cholesterol hardly goes down despite a light diet. Why?

For more details, please visit below website and contact us:

養和營養部HKSH Department of Dietetics

