Trump Cons His Base Out Of $4 Million With Another NFT Ripoff

Trump Cons His Base Out Of $4 Million With Another NFT Ripoff

Donald Trump released a new series of NFT “trading cards” featuring himself as various things – a rock star, George Washington, an astronaut – selling them for $99 each. After just a few hours, his team announced that not only had they sold out of the worthless graphics, but also that they had raised more than $4 million from it. There is always a grift, and Trump has found the easiest marks in America. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump, in my opinion, is not good at very many things. But one thing that he is better at than anybody else I think that has ever existed in the United States is separating stupid people from their money. Not only has his campaign reported that they have pulled in more than 10 million in donations since he was indicted, but this week Donald Trump released a new set of N F T trading cards, you know, basically just digital pictures selling them for $99 a piece, and they sold out according to Donald Trump himself. So take it with a grain of salt in just a matter of hours. These are pictures, again, digital pictures that you, you can’t do anything with. They are worthless depicting Trump as a rockstar, one of them depicting Trump creepily, holding the Liberty Bell. Um, not, not even sure what that’s supposed to mean. There’s one depicting him as George Washington crossing the Delaware.

There’s one of him as an astronaut. Donald Trump has all of these things that are good and cool, that he’ll never be $99 a piece, and they sold out in a matter of hours. And Donald Trump pocketed $4.6 million off of these images that he sold to the dumbest people in this country. 4.6 million. Now remember back last year, Donald Trump released his first set of NFTs. They once again sold out in hours. He made millions of dollars. So, yeah, why not keep doing it? I mean, there’s nothing illegal about it. You know, you’re, you’re very upfront. It’s just a picture online. You get and save the file to your computer, I guess. But you’re gonna give me a hundred dollars and we’re just gonna email you. You’re gonna download the file and there you go. Like, if you can keep doing that, Donald, why not just do that? You don’t even need to run for president to grift people anymore.

If you can make 5 million in a day selling online pictures that you didn’t even create. I mean, that sounds like a very lucrative business deal because you know that the stupid people are always gonna exist, right? There is no shortage of stupid here in the United States, and there is absolutely no shortage of stupid in Donald Trump’s MAGA base. Whatever he sells, they’re gonna buy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a product or if it’s an imaginary product like these NFTs, or if it’s, you know, his lies, they will buy every bit of it. They will send themselves to bankruptcy court trying to buy Donald Trump’s merchandise. So again, nothing illegal about it. There’s not even anything in unethical about it. It’s just Donald Trump carrying out the grift that he’s been carrying out for years now, convincing stupid people that they need to

Buy into his brand. And boy are they buying. There’s always a grift. There’s always a con. There is always money to be made. And by God, Donald Trump will find a way to separate the dumbest people in this country from their money every single time.
