#糖尿病 的真实分享【Madam Lee Gek Cheng经验分享】#amlife

#糖尿病 的真实分享【Madam Lee Gek Cheng经验分享】#amlife

#糖尿病 的真实分享【Madam Lee Gek Cheng经验分享】
Madam Lee母亲饱受病魔折腾,她不只有 #肾结石 和 #尿道感染 ,还患上糖尿病。由于受 #食肉菌感染 ,她的右脚和髋骨部分都遭到波及,只好送院开刀。糖尿病患者伤口不容易愈合,因而她小腿的创口一直红肿、不停长脓,可惜医生却不能将伤口严密缝合,因为会有更多脓自该处生出来,必须要每天清洗。许多糖尿病患者一旦伤口恶化,若是到了严重地步,则要面对 #截肢 风险。幸好有人推荐她母亲电位温热医疗床垫。才试了一天,该床垫的电位疗法便让她伤口收合缩小,红肿现象也获得缓解,之后甚至还长出新肉,将开口缝隙填补,并渐渐愈合。如今,她再也不必受皮肉之痛了!
WhatsApp: https://wa.link/rj17s0
愿天下没有难治的病, 感恩
【Madam Lee Gek Cheng’s Sharing】
Madam Lee’s mother not only has a kidney stone and urinary tract infection, but she is also suffering from diabetes. Unfortunately, she got infected by flesh-eating bacteria that had eaten up from her hip bone to her right leg. The wounds on the right leg started to swell. She had undergone an operation but the doctor couldn’t stitch up her wounds tightly since pus will keep sneaking out from there. Her wounds were severely swollen and became even reddened. The cleansing had to be carried out daily to drain out her pus until she tried Electric Potential Thermotherapy Mattress. Right after one day, unbelievable results show that her wounds became smaller and her redness reduced obviously. Her self-healing system has been regenerated due to the electric potential therapy of the mattress. New flesh starts to grow and fills up the gap between her wounds and skin that stops abscesses from coming out. Now her mother eventually gets relieved from the pain because of Electric Potential Thermotherapy Mattress healing power!
If you knew anyone who is suffering from diabetes and requires better medical treatment, feel free to reach out. We will try our best to assist you or your friends and family by providing 7 days of free treatment experience service.
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Full Video Link: https://youtu.be/2QwJSRytVLY
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