Ridotto Lottery NFT – What does it do? Build your own Lottery GAME!

Ridotto Lottery NFT – What does it do? Build your own Lottery GAME!

This NFT is the license to your very own lottery game on Web3.

The lottery games are not limited to traditional games and they can have multiple uses:

– Charity ( Raise funds)
– Events ( This can be a lottery for free entry or other prizes)
– In Games ( For special items and more)
– Community Giveaways and contest
– Whitelisting for NFT drop
– Crypto ( it adds an extra utility to tokens and creates volumes)
– It provides a fair chance to users, it’s transparent.
– #Marketing tool. (Giving out huge prizes through a fair system)

Anything that can be won through a chance system can be done using Ridotto’s Lottery NFTs.
