Valeria Games at #NFT NYC – Unveiling Web3 Innovations & More!

Valeria Games at #NFT NYC – Unveiling Web3 Innovations & More!

Experience the thrilling world of Valeria Games, a standout presence at the recent #NFT NYC event. We offered a glimpse into our immersive alpha game, displayed a range of enticing merchandise, introduced our pioneering phygital booster packs, and demonstrated our cutting-edge gasless minting technology, among other exciting features. As we create one of the most innovative intellectual property brands in the web3 space, we’re rolling out a captivating mobile game, an engaging webtoons comic, exclusive phygital merchandise, a dynamic trading card game, and so much more. What you saw at NFT NYC is just the tip of the iceberg – brace yourselves as we are preparing an avalanche of more breathtaking revelations.
