E237 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 055 Not Financial Advice

E237 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 055 Not Financial Advice

Let’s go GameStop GME!

Survey: https://forms.gle/SZGzJ9WUhCqgizRr5
Card 55 Red Packet: https://imgur.com/1wuyUF9
RNewton & GNewton NFT Sets: https://bit.ly/3iEBJS2

Spreadsheet: https://bit.ly/3L1MZT5

This is not financial advice and I am not affiliated with GameStop in any way.

GameStop & GME Video Series Episodes:
E237 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 055 Not Financial Advice
E236 Working Video – Gathering Wallet Addresses while Talkin the Stonk
E235 Volume Machine Go BRRR
E234 Post Earnings Call Wrap-Up!
E233 GameStop Q1 Earnings! Lot to unpack – let’s go GME!
E232 Pre-Market Run! GameStop Q1 Earnings Day!
E231 June GME Predictions!
E230 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 054 Finding Paradise
E229 Survey Hype!
E228 POWER TO THE PLAYRS – GameStop Web3 Game Launcher!!!
E227 GameStop Ownership Survey 2023 Q1 Earnings
E226 Earnings June 7th! Let’s go – Special Zen Give Away!
E225 Summer is here! Hyped about GameStop!
E224 Let’s go GameStop! Talking all about the stonk!
E223 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 053 Oasis
E222 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 052 Infinity Pool
E221 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 051 Bhagavad Gita
E220 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 050 Epiphany
E219 GameStop 2022 10K Deep Dive Final Part!
E218 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 049 Carpe Diem & 10K Deep Dive P4
E217 GameStop 2022 10K Deep Dive Part 3
E216 Red Packet Hype Train!
E215 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 048 Tesseract
E214 Unbridled Enthusiasm: Talking all about GameStop!!
E213 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 047 Blood Moon
E212 GameStop 2022 10K Overview
E211 GameStop 2022 10K Deep Dive Part 2
E210 GameStop 2022 10K Deep Dive Part 1
E209 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 046 Ancient Lotus
E208 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 045 Hammerdrop (Special Airdrop!)
E207 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 044 Emerald Bay
E206 The GameStop Saga – Chapter 4: The Bull Turn

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