糖尿病不再可怕:艾米丽的成功经验分享 / 曲折离奇的励志之路:从挫折到柳暗花明,掌控糖尿病的奇迹 / 与糖尿病抗争:艾米丽的故事 / 艾米丽如何战胜糖尿病:一个普通人的励志之路

糖尿病不再可怕:艾米丽的成功经验分享 / 曲折离奇的励志之路:从挫折到柳暗花明,掌控糖尿病的奇迹 / 与糖尿病抗争:艾米丽的故事 / 艾米丽如何战胜糖尿病:一个普通人的励志之路


0:00 引言
00:54 面对挫折,要有追寻柳暗花明的勇气
02:48 控制糖尿病需要力量和智慧
04:50 行动是成功的基石
06:42 柳暗花明,掌控糖尿病的奇迹
07:31 总结


This video is for your information and is not intended to provide or apply to self-diagnosis or alternative medical examinations, cures, treatments, diagnoses, prescriptions, or recommendations. You should not make any changes to your health habits or diet until you have first consulted your physician and received a medical examination, diagnosis, and advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition, you should always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. The owner of this channel is not responsible for any advice, treatment procedures, diagnoses, or any additional information, services, or products you may obtain from this video, comment, or website.
