Unlimited File Size and Lower Fees for NFT Creation | Archethic Wallet Update 2.1

Unlimited File Size and Lower Fees for NFT Creation | Archethic Wallet Update 2.1

Experience Archethic Wallet 2.1 – no file size limits, reduced fees! Create seamless NFTs and link them to external resources effortlessly. Download now and embark on a game-changing blockchain journey! Stay tuned for more exciting updates.

Download the Wallet on Google Playstore, Apple Store (iOS and macOS): https://archethic.net/aewallet.html

Mentioned in the video:
How to make secure dApps with Archethic Wallet? https://youtu.be/xvI0xQAJGe0

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#blockchain #decentralization #wallet #nft #ipfs #crypto #fees #dapps
