E247 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 058 Taming Fire

E247 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 058 Taming Fire

Let’s go GameStop GME!

Survey: https://forms.gle/SZGzJ9WUhCqgizRr5
Card 58 Red Packet: https://imgur.com/dNxXcux
Card 57 Red Packet: https://imgur.com/3Nd44aJ
Card 56 Red Packet: https://imgur.com/dkccyng
RNewton & GNewton NFT Sets: https://bit.ly/3iEBJS2
GameStop Wallet: https://wallet.gamestop.com
Spreadsheet: https://bit.ly/3L1MZT5

This is not financial advice and I am not affiliated with GameStop in any way.

GameStop & GME Video Series Episodes:
E247 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 058 Taming Fire
E246 GameStop Monday Update!
E245 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 057 Drawing in the Dark
E244 Short Trading Week – Let’s go GameStop GME!
E243 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 056 Eighty-Four Years
E242 GameStop Road Ahead – Happy Friday and June OPEX
E241 GameStop 2023 Shareholder Meeting!
E240 When in doubt, zoom out! Let’s go GME!
E239 Insiders buy the stock for one reason! Let’s go GME!
E238 Insiders buy the stock for one reason! Let’s go GME!
E237 RNewton NFT Collection: Card 055 Not Financial Advice

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