API3’s dAPI within zkSync’s paymaster contract: Gasless transactions for NFT holders

API3’s dAPI within zkSync’s paymaster contract: Gasless transactions for NFT holders

API3 is participating in the EthBarcelona hackathon with two bounty challenges! You can learn more about this here: https://vivacious-voyage-472.notion.site/API3-EthBarca-bc8d0456a2244bff9d648f20755e5cda?pvs=4

This workshop will take you through a rundown of zkSync’s Paymaster and will allow users to pay transactions with USDC (or any token) using API3 Data Feeds. If you want to follow along with this section check out this zkSync tutorial https://era.zksync.io/docs/dev/tutorials/api3-usd-paymaster-tutorial.html

Billy will deliver additional insight during this workshop that allows the option of allowing free transactions to any holder of a specified VIP NFT.
