我有糖尿病前期? 什麼是糖尿病、胰島素抵抗《血糖控制#2》| Do I have prediabetes?

我有糖尿病前期? 什麼是糖尿病、胰島素抵抗《血糖控制#2》| Do I have prediabetes?


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In my previous video, I got some comments saying that I might have prediabetes, so let’s take a look at my HbA1c report. Also, I will share about how one develops insulin resistance and diabetes.

📖 章節 Chapters
0:00 什麼是糖尿病 What is diabetes
0:45 為什麼血糖會那麼高 Why is blood sugar high
1:46 胰島素抵抗怎樣發生 How insulin resistance occur
4:04 低碳和低脂飲食的研究 Study on low-carb vs low-fat
4:52 提示和建議 Tips and recommendations
5:41 動物油不是邪惡的油 Saturated fats are not evil

📞 健康諮詢 Consultation Call
如果您有任何關於健康的困難或疑問,歡迎隨時與我預約 30 分鐘的電話諮詢,討論您的具體挑戰並獲得個性化的解決方案。
If you have any specific challenges or questions regarding your health, you can book a 30-minute consultation call with me to discuss your specific challenges and get personalised solutions.

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Dr. John 健康教練的 YouTube 頻道上的所有訊息僅供參考。該訊息其用意並不是、亦不應替代任何專業的醫療、診斷或治療。如果您對健康有任何疑問,則應諮詢醫生或其他相關的專業醫療人員。如果您使用這頻道的訊息替代任何醫療或專業人士的官方建議,此頻道則​不會對您可能會發生的情況承擔任何責任。
All information on Dr. John 健康教練’s YouTube channel is for informational purposes only. The information is not intended and should not be replaced by professional medical, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. This channel is not responsible for what may happen to you if you use their information in place of official advice from a medical or healthcare professional.

🎵 Track Info:
Title: Log Cabin by Silent Partner
Music: Log Cabin – Silent Partner https://youtu.be/JGzwFL8WKvY
