Understanding NFT royalties | Michael Blau

Understanding NFT royalties | Michael Blau

The power to programmatically enforce royalties across secondary marketplaces is a powerful innovation for creators specializing in NFTs and beyond; but the subject of NFT royalties is fundamentally misunderstood. This talk presented by deal partner and NFT creator Michael Blau provides some clarity by covering the technical aspects of how NFT royalties work, including the evolution of standards, potential solutions, and best practices for founders incorporating NFTs into their projects.

As a reminder, none of the content should be taken as investment, business, legal, or tax advice; please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information, including a link to a list of our investments.

More from:
– Crypto Startup School ‘23: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjQ9HCQMu_8ywq3VUso7i_-TOx6RKXQeQ
– Crypto Startup School ‘20: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjQ9HCQMu_8wCvA0s9yW2dXg1jkFlPs7Z
– Michael: https://twitter.com/blauyourmind
