Royal Albatross ~ NFT & UQ Have A Meet & Greet! 😊 Clack Clack Clack! 7.26.23

Royal Albatross ~ NFT & UQ Have A Meet & Greet! 😊 Clack Clack Clack! 7.26.23

NTF does some wing exercises on the hill before she walks down and heads over to see UQ chick ♥ He clacks at her and she reaches her bill out towards him as they interact in a friendly meet & greet! More clacking ensues between the chicks – NTF keeps her distance as UQ remains on his nest. Manaaki couldn’t care less about this social interaction and does some preening and then goes to sleep.

NTF & UQ continue to clack at one another – I believe that NTF almost went into a display at 07:12. She turns her head side to side and does some brief whistling & it looked like she was going to extend her wings but it does not blossom into a full display. Shades of SSTrig’s boldness are in NTF and I think we will see a full display before too long. NTF will then turn around and head back up the hill to her own nest. What a curious and social chick NTF is! Thank you for watching!

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Please join the official facebook group Royal Cam Albatross Group New Zealand for up to date information on the albatross family and to share information on albatross conservation, photos and comments!

Courtesy of Dept of Conservation Royal Cam, Royal Albatross Taiaroa Head, New Zealand
