高血糖与糖尿病—胰岛素阻抗与糖尿病诊断 中老年医疗保健系列短视频 (十七)

高血糖与糖尿病—胰岛素阻抗与糖尿病诊断 中老年医疗保健系列短视频 (十七)

请点击CC看字幕 Please click CC to see subtitles #高血糖,#胰岛素阻抗,#糖尿病诊断
Hyperglycemia and Diabetes: Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Diagnosis
本视频帮助大家了解胰岛素阻抗是发生二型糖尿病的主要原因, 随着年龄的增长,增加胰岛素阻抗的因素也越来越多.虽然年龄的增长是不可避免的, 增加胰岛素阻抗的因素也威肋着我们的健康, 相信只要我们认识到這些威肋, 我们就会想方设法地,及时地控制或 延缓这些威助对我们的影响.选择健康的生活方式。另外视频还根据美国糖尿病协会的指南,帮助大家了解糖尿病的诊断及临床意义,帮助大家 及早发现高血糖和糖尿病, 以便早期治疗,防止并发症的发生 .
This video helps you understand that insulin resistance is the main cause of type 2 diabetes, and as we age, there are more and more factors that increase insulin resistance. Although aging is inevitable, factors that increase insulin resistance are also threatening We believe that as long as we recognize these threats, we will find ways to control or delay the impact of these threats on us in a timely manner. Choose a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the video is also based on the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association to help everyone understand the diagnosis and clinical significance of diabetes, and to help everyone detect hyperglycemia and diabetes early so that they can be treated early and prevent complications.
