Stupid. News. Update. An NFT Lawsuit #news #humor #sad

Stupid. News. Update. An NFT Lawsuit #news #humor #sad

Ever hear something so absurd you can’t believe it could possibly be true?

I have.

I was gobsmacked when I read my first article about non fungible tokens.

You’re telling me that I can buy a digital copy of something stored on a blockchain, something anyone in the world can Google, use as the wallpaper on their computer or phone, can download and print, that I don’t have an exclusive copyright on…

And that’s a good idea?It’s hands-down one of the stupidest things I’d ever heard.

And yet, like all things stupid, people scrambled to buy these useless NFTs.

Value skyrocketed…

And then there was the realization: I could’ve had a V8.

No, wait.

Not that.

People, by and large, realized that buying an NFT was a stupid waste of money.

South Park mocked the concept.

Bill Maher mocked them.

Saturday Night Live mocked them.

Suddenly, NFTs weren’t cool anymore, or, in reality, Oz’s curtain was drawn back, and people realized they were never cool.

And what do dumb people do when they realize they’re dumb?

Own up to mistakes? Grow as people?

Of course not.

They point fingers and lay blame. They file frivolous lawsuits, forever crying, “It’s not my fault!”

Personal responsibility is just too difficult a concept for them to grasp, because, to be honest, we’re dealing with people who took their marching orders from Paris Hilton.

(Also delightfully exposed by South Park.)

Our legal system wasn’t designed for nuisance lawsuits, it was supposedly made for justice.

But, once lawyers get involved with anything…

Well, game over.

A fool and their money used to be soon parted, but not today.

Today it’s, “That stupid thing I did wasn’t my fault!”


#lawsuit #lawyer #nft #digitalart #art
