医学基础知识 | 胰腺功能与糖尿病的关系 | 快速提高英语词汇听力和阅读能力 | Pancreas 胰腺

医学基础知识 | 胰腺功能与糖尿病的关系 | 快速提高英语词汇听力和阅读能力 | Pancreas 胰腺

This video is about the human body’s pancreas and its functions, as well as its connection to the two different types of diabetes. A useful tool to learn English as a secondary language for learners to improve their skills in listening, reading and vocabulary.
#医学 #英语口语 #英语听力 #英语学习 #英语听力练习 #听力练习 #口语练习 #看病英文 #看病英语 #英文看医生
