[STEAM 系列 EP33] 糖尿病🍰係咩嚟㗎?↩️等Miss Lui 話你知❗️#糖尿病

[STEAM 系列 EP33] 糖尿病🍰係咩嚟㗎?↩️等Miss Lui 話你知❗️#糖尿病

Topic: What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term health condition affecting how your body turns food into energy. Normally, our food is broken down into sugar and enters the bloodstream. To transport these sugars into cells to be transformed into energy, our pancreas creates insulin, a hormone.

Diabetes results in high levels of sugar in the blood. Over time, this can lead to various health problems, including heart disease, vision problems, kidney disorders, nerve damage, and many more. Healthy eating and exercise can help control blood sugar levels. Furthermore, many people rely on oral medication or insulin injections to manage their blood sugar.

Undiagnosed and untreated diabetes can raise blood sugar levels to dangerous levels, resulting in severe health complications and even life-threatening situations. Therefore, if there are any symptoms of diabetes (such as constant thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, or feeling very tired), it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
