Enjin Beam Updates – December 2023 #nft #enjin_nft #metaverse #gaming

Enjin Beam Updates – December 2023 #nft #enjin_nft  #metaverse #gaming

Enjin Beam is a QR code, based distribution system used for sending digital assets and NFTs. It has delivered over 650,000 NFTs since 2018.

Creators are using Beam in innovative ways like creating blockchain games, gaining insights on their audience, airdropping game rewards, and engaging business customers.

Enjin has enhanced Beam by introducing “Claim Conditions” – requirements that must be met before a user can claim a Beam.

Claim Conditions allow creators to filter claims, reward loyal community members, growth hack social media followings, and foster community engagement.

These include:

– ENJ token holdings
– Owning specific NFTs
– Whitelist inclusion
– Following a Twitter account (coming soon)
– Geographical restrictions (coming soon)

The updates make the claiming process simpler and streamlined in the Enjin Wallet. Overall, these Beam upgrades empower creators with more advanced tools for distribution and engagement.
