How should diabetics choose their fruits 糖尿病人應該怎樣選擇水果?

How should diabetics choose their fruits 糖尿病人應該怎樣選擇水果?

Some diabetic patients were told that they can’t eat any fruits? That’s absolutely NOT true! Consuming small amount of low-glycemic index (GI) fruits, like oranges, apples, berries, and grapefruit, that are rich in fiber can help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes and insulin resistance. They also promote bathroom regularity, lower heart disease and cancer risks, and reduce cholesterol. While it doesn’t mean you can never eat high-GI fruits, it’s just that when you consume high GI fruit, modifications need to be made.

If you need help in making smart choices about the fruits you consume or managing your blood sugar overall, please DM us the word READY to start A Healthier You Journey or fill out the application below at

有些糖尿病患者被告知不能吃水果?這絕對不是真的!食用少量富含纖維的低升糖指數 (GI) 水果,如柳橙、蘋果、莓果和葡萄柚,有助於穩定血糖水平,防止能量崩潰和胰島素抗性。它們還可以促進如廁規律,降低心臟病和癌症風險,並降低膽固醇。雖然這並不意味著你永遠不能吃高GI水果,只是當你食用高GI水果時,需要進行調整。如果您在明智地選擇所吃的水果或整體管理血糖方面需要幫助,請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。 #dietician

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