Mona Lisa Painting Art Collection / ai art collection / nft collection / art collection / YTshort

Mona Lisa Painting Art Collection / ai art collection / nft collection / art collection / YTshort

Mona Lisa Painting Art Collection

*Purchase Option
1. Buy on Rerible (For NFT Use)
Profile – imaginationpower
2. If you want to buy direct image format DM me (For Another Use)

In this art has Mona Lisa Painting with 24 different emotional art collection

Emotional Cover (Anger, Anxiety, Surprise, Boredom, Envy, Enjoyment, Anticipation, Mad, Fear, Disgust, Excitement, Happiness, Pride, Acceptance, Awe, Miserable, Sadness, Calmness, Love, Joy, Annoyed, Amusement, Contentment)

About Mona Lisa Painting :-
The painting was one of the first Italian portraits to depict the sitter in front of an imaginary landscape, and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use aerial perspective. The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side.

*Buy in Reasonable Price

Ratio – 1:1 (1080 X (1080)
Created by – Irshad

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