Taiko Hekla Part 2 Contract Deploy + NFT Bridging – Funding 37 Million Dollars | SAGE Hindi

Taiko Hekla Part 2 Contract Deploy + NFT Bridging  – Funding 37 Million Dollars  | SAGE Hindi

SAGE Airdrop Telegram [ For Airdrop ] – https://t.me/sageairdrops
2BitBlock SAGE Telegram [ For Investment Calls ] – https://t.me/twobitblock

● SAGE Top Airdrops – Google Sheet Link — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p_o-WTTTcyNZuFtmtjlODO67UU7_LFEkHrmXNOf0hOQ/edit?usp=sharing


Taiko Part 1 — https://youtu.be/pirkm5nkf7c

⭐️ Funding — 37 Million Dollars [ https://icoanalytics.org/projects/taiko/? ]
⭐️ Free to join [ Almost Over ]

✅ SAGE Airdrop Rating – 10/10 Rating [ One of the biggest project of all the Time ]

Links — Also on Telegram — https://t.me/sageairdrops/3449

Third Web Deploy Contract — https://thirdweb.com/dashboard/contracts/deploy

Welcome to Taiko Hekla explorer — https://explorer.hekla.taiko.xyz/

Create NFT — https://nfts2me.com/app/

Mint NFT — https://sage-taiko.testnet.nfts2.me/

Bridge NFT — https://bridge.hekla.taiko.xyz/

Blazplay Account — https://rewards.blazpay.com/

Invite Code — H7GUNU8

Claim Galxe Points — https://app.galxe.com/quest/blazpay/GC2attzt4z

0:00 Intro
2:10 Taiko Part 2

● 9 Crazy Tips will 100% help you to be safe in Crypto Space | Airdrop | Hindi — https://youtu.be/A7PinDkDEGs


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