



1, UpToDate
2, Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and initial evaluation of diabetes mellitus in adults
3, Initial management of blood glucose in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
4, Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the older patient
5, Treatment of diabetic kidney disease
6, Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus
7, Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus
8, Nutritional considerations in type 2 diabetes mellitus
9, 糖尿病ガイドライン2019:南山堂

1, 深瀬龍 (Ryu Fukase): 総合診療医, 大蔵村診療所
2, 小山翔平 (Shohei Oyama): 整形外科専門医, おやま整形外科クリニック院長

#メディバリー大学病院 #医学 #人体
