“Buy My NFT” CLIP-1: Kung Fu Cowboy Performs LIVE at Club Coyote

“Buy My NFT” CLIP-1: Kung Fu Cowboy Performs LIVE at Club Coyote

I need to make commercials, ads, and music videos with NFTs. You’ll see how cool they are.

Actually, Don DelaVega is editing my first movie: KUNG FU COWBOY AT CLUB COYOTE.

This song, “Buy My NFT,” is circling in my mind. I have ideas. This will be my FIRST song ever made with NFTs bouncing around inside the video frame.

My cameraman Scott Karahadian made these “VIDEO SLICES” from a bunch of our music videos in the this movie, Kung Fu Cowboy at Club Coyote. I was surprised he made this video. “Thanks Scott.”

I made these NFTs in 2021 and 2022 at CRYPTO PEAK worldwide. But then the crypto market crashed and I couldn’t find people for the Tai Chi Youth DAO.

When I was a kid we had VINYL 45rpm round disks with grooves in them. We called them, “singles.”

My NFTs are the “singles” of the future.

You get the song for a buck. You get a cool cover art in high definition you can use, print…. You also get the DESCRIPTION. I maximize the NFT DESCRIPTION with links and stories and enough information to greatly increase the value of the NFT to the owner.

Some of my NFTs can be “MINTED” (which means “printed”) up to 10,000 times. So 10,000 people can own one of the super cheap NFTs around one dollar.

Some of my NFTs are only a dozen or even ONLY ONE NFT. These “Collector NFTs” may or may not increase in value. I would like to create some excitement while still providing something cheap for normal and poor people like me.
