




同時, 我展示如何將中餐進行改造, 根據原型食物飲食的原則, 展示幾道家常菜,可以讓你吃的健康。

0:00 开始
0:24 為什麼中餐是中國人的健康殺手?
2:00 為什麼原型食物飲食可以逆轉糖尿病?
3:33 中國人如何開始原型食物飲食?
4:23 6個原因之一以及如何改造
5:25 6個原因之二以及如何改造
6:35 6個原因之三以及如何改造
8:33 6個原因之四以及如何改造
10:16 6個原因之五以及如何改造
12:40 6個原因之六以及如何改造
13:57 結語

Medical Advice Disclaimer:
All content in this video and description, including: information, opinions, content, references and links are for informational purposes only. The author is not providing any medical advice on this site. Accessing, viewing, reading or otherwise using this content does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the author. Providing personal or medical information to the lead author does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the lead author. Neither this video nor its description is intended to create a physician-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or healthcare professional, or to substitute for professional medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. In all matters relating to your health, you should consult with a licensed physician in your community or a health care professional with appropriate credentials.

